Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Marsha Marsha Marsha !!

I like this video, it reveals the harsh truths of intimacy. This woman is so talented.

Saturday, June 11, 2011



"Im not trying to be nobody but me." - jahnimoody

[stashed photos]

wanna know my next color addiction ?

waiting for it to be delivered. but always the #redlipchineygal

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gal Down Impromptu Style

My sister Karazin, cousin Susie Q, and I, in Habor view harmonizing with stray dogs.

Studio Sessions Pt 1

Looking Au Natural in the Booth. lol

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Man Down

So I just seen Rhianna's video to Man Down. I thought it was absolutely perfect. Alot of times we get so caught in just having fun, that we are not alert. Many young women, or young girls are not paying attention. It has alot to do with being naive. What happened in the video, where Ri is sexually assaulted happens offen. What's the reason? Many people will argue, it's the way we dress, or the way we behave or conduct ourselves. But let's face it, no one DESERVES to be raped! Yes shooting him was violent but I'm sure it's how alot victims feel. I'm sure alot of people would believe it was justified. I know I do. It's a video, and route she chose to depict the song wasn't bad at all. That song could have meant so many things. I never once thought the song would be about rape. So congrats to Rihanna, the controversy is well deserved; and I believe it will open eyes for us young women that anything can happen. Be aware and stay alert. Kudos to her and the director. I only hope you guys will like my remake I did with the song. Video is being edited. Stay tuned.

But for now here is the link to Rihanna's Man Down

Check out this video on YouTube: